James Mackay MSc
Instructional Designer | E-Learning Specialist

Virtual E-learning Mix

Online agile training and coaching methods that bring about lasting meaningful results

Making Learning Effective

Are you tired of paying for learning solutions that don’t seem to work?

Solutions that just put your colleagues to sleep?

Even the most engaging trainer who uses stories to tie things into the lived experience just doesn’t seem to engage everyone? Do you find colleagues scratching their heads trying to remember what they learnt? Or why they even attended an event? 

Let me introduce you to the virtual e-learning mix.
This is how we solve the problem: We take an approach of putting your colleagues at the centre of the learning process, and we design for them. We place the importance on interaction with learners over formal training processes. We respond to change and develop what is needed by your learners. So let me introduce you to the Virtual Mix.

The Virtual Mix

Often shortened to the Virtual Mix, the Virtual E-learning Mix aim is to help develop a greater understanding of the content.
The Virtual Mix combines live online with “in your own time’ learning events.
It applies neuroscience research to build more effective learning.

'At your own pace and in your own time' learning events

We have a range of tools at our disposal and the possibilities are endless. We’ll support you to create your own unique learning journey:


All the while we encourage deep thinking and developing and affirming understanding.

Learners can undertake learning events in their own time and space. We give the learner the power to choose when and where the learning happens. This means they can choose a time and place where they feel comfortable to focus on the content. We still have a finite timeframe for these events and are bound between the online live events. Deep thinking occurs best when we are in a safe and secure place and are comfortable.

Developing ideas, skills and concepts still requires active collaboration. We can have an idea that we’ve mastered correct understanding of a principle from asynchronous learning. However, without the support of others, we can’t be sure what we’ve understood is absolutely error-free. This is where the power of the live online sessions comes into play.

Online Live Events

These events give the learners the opportunity to consolidate their learning. They are run by a facilitator who will help learners get to a deeper understanding.

  • We bring learners together and discuss what they’ve experienced.
  • We can surface any potential errors in thinking. 
  • We can use a range of tools to help us achieve these aims. 
  • We can use presentations. 
  • Learners can workshop the ideas, skills, and concepts. 
  • We can generate discussion and share experiences.

How can you call it an Agile approach?

Ah, the secret sauce of virtual mixology is the ‘agile’ approach we take. Our focus is rooted in the Agile Principles where we prioritise:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working training over comprehensive presentations
  • Learner collaboration over knowledge banking
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Using the agile principles means we have more freedom to be adaptive and responsive. The world of learning and development in our day and age is defined by VUCA. It’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous, yet we have to create effective solutions. Solutions that will help the learner excel in their work environment.

Rather than start with a fully grounded plan, we have a backlog of ideas of where we are heading. We spend time getting to know the learners and what they want and need. Learning events are then built around the specific needs of the learners. We can surface content that will help guide the learners to deeper understanding.

In a Virtual Mix, two simultaneous sprints are occurring: The development sprint and the Learning sprint.
The development sprint is focused on gathering material and building the learning events. The Learning Sprint is where the developed material is delivered to the learners.
The learning sprint starts and ends with a live session where we plan and review what has happened. The outcomes of the learning sprint inform further development sprints. Learning events are designed specifically for the needs of the learner.

Mixology - Thinking Space

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