James Mackay MSc
Instructional Designer | E-Learning Specialist

UK WA Citizens Living in Italy – Passport Control

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In this project, I create a scenario-learning event. Designed for UK Citizens living in Italy who are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement (WA). The scenarios aim to help redress some misconceptions about erroneous passport stamps.

WA-Citizens living in Italy were concerned that passport stamps could be used against their right to residency. However, the EU Commission has issued clear guidance on the topic. This has been included in the UK government website in the Living in Italy guide. Passport stamps can be considered irrelevant if the person can demonstrate their rights to residency. Despite this reassurance, some WA-citizens have created scenes at passport control in Italy. The consequences of these scenes have been life-changing. At least one person was arrested for protesting too much to border guards.

To help people through the scenario I have created a helping supportive face in the form of Bea. She is there to help guide people who aren’t completely sure of what they need to do. The aim of the scenario is to help change behaviour. The aim is to help make people far less concerned about an erroneous passport stamp.

Have a go and see what you think. You can read about the design choices I made and how I over came the issues I encountered in the project write-up.



In the write-up, I explain my process and how I overcame the problems I encountered.
If you want to read more about how I made this project, click the link below.

Like what you see? Let’s talk about how we can work together…